I Will See And Tell Yu Later.
I CAN run Crysis @ highest settings and res (1024*1024)8) on my ASUS EN 8600 GT.... u know y ?? coz i OCed my gfx cardThanx again ROMEO for ur so fast reply if 8800GT cannot play it at full details then its lower brother 8400GS cannot do anything. Why they make game with such things that we, the general users cannot play that game even buying 8400/8600/8800GTs. CONSOLES R MUCH BETTER IN THIS CASE. For the price of two 8800GTs we can have one working pc but we cannot play some games at full settings with this card.
Please let me know what clock speeds have you OC'd it to & also what frame rates are you getting? I am with my 7900GT @1280x1024 with medium settings & it's killing my card to 18Fps outdoors.I understand it would work but how good does it work thats my question to you.I CAN run Crysis @ highest settings and res (1024*1024)8) on my ASUS EN 8600 GT.... u know y ?? coz i OCed my gfx card
Around 25-28 fpsPlease let me know what clock speeds have you OC'd it to & also what frame rates are you getting? I am with my 7900GT @1280x1024 with medium settings & it's killing my card to 18Fps outdoors.I understand it would work but how good does it work thats my question to you.