Steve Ballmer Gets the Egg-Treatment in Budapest

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Yeah, I appreciate the attempt to laugh it off, but that was an awful joke. Not even remotely funny.

That said, if it were me, I would've probably been too embarrassed (and, if I was the CEO of Microsoft, totally incensed) to say anything at all.

It was a funny incident though. :lol:

I know a lot of Apple and FOSS fanboys who think Bill Gates getting pumpkin-pied is funny, but I didn't. That was wrong. This, however, isn't. Bill Gates is an extraordinary person; Steve Ballmer is a cross between a human being and an ape. :lol:

I'd sure like to see someone try to pull this stunt off in a Jobsian keynote. :p

As much as I hate the lies apple tells consumers, I think Steve Jobs is one of the greatest industrialists to have set foot on this planet. His brilliant planning, thoughtful personality, and the tough attitude he has for marketing are awe inspiring. The story of Steve Jobs saving apple from doom and making it a world leader is legendary. He was willing to become the lowest paid CEO by accepting 1$ per month just so that he could lead his dream company. Salutes to him.

M$ may have exessive monopoly abuse and all that, but Bill Gates is one fine specimen of a man. His human nature is too good. Look at him - he decided the first place spot for the world's richest man was not as important as donating 30% of his wealth to the needy.

I needn't speak twice about Richard M Stallman, the Gandhi of Computing. He is hardly wealthy thanks to his partially rejecting material life, he doesn't own a car, he works for free, and doesn't accept personal donations, instead choosing to send all money he gets to free software welfare. His ideologies are great.


The Devil's Advocate
As much as I hate the lies apple tells consumers, I think Steve Jobs is one of the greatest industrialists to have set foot on this planet. His brilliant planning, thoughtful personality, and the tough attitude he has for marketing are awe inspiring. The story of Steve Jobs saving apple from doom and making it a world leader is legendary. He was willing to become the lowest paid CEO by accepting 1$ per month just so that he could lead his dream company. Salutes to him.

M$ may have exessive monopoly abuse and all that, but Bill Gates is one fine specimen of a man. His human nature is too good. Look at him - he decided the first place spot for the world's richest man was not as important as donating 30% of his wealth to the needy.

I needn't speak twice about Richard M Stallman, the Gandhi of Computing. He is hardly wealthy thanks to his partially rejecting material life, he doesn't own a car, he works for free, and doesn't accept personal donations, instead choosing to send all money he gets to free software welfare. His ideologies are great.
agree with every word of the first 2 paras, don't know about Stallman but even if he does or is half of what u said, my respect to him ;), holy hell isn't he the same guy who uses a mail client for browsing :D
agree with every word of the first 2 paras, don't know about Stallman but even if he does or is half of what u said, my respect to him ;), holy hell isn't he the same guy who uses a mail client for browsing :D
stallman didn't actualy use a mail client for browsing. He used a chain of tools which function in a way similar to an email client when used together. Ayyush didn't follow it, because he is not used to technical lingo, so he called it a mail client :lol:


Walking, since 2004.
Stock options are just options given to employees to purchase stock at a particular price in the future. So, naturally, the employee would work in the best interests of the company to maximise his payoff from the stock options.

Say you're an employee of Reliance Industries and you're given an option to purchase 5000 Reliance shares at say Rs. 2600, which is the current price, after 2 years contingent upon your employment with the company. Now, you'd do all you can do to ensure that the company performs well, and the stock price increases. Imagine being able to purchase it for 2.6k/share when the price is 3.5k/share. You make a profit of 900/share; exclusive of capital gains and other taxes, and transaction costs.

Steve Jobs will do just fine with a USD 1/annum salary, till he gets hundreds of millions worth of stock options per year. :)
Stock options are just options given to employees to purchase stock at a particular price in the future. So, naturally, the employee would work in the best interests of the company to maximise his payoff from the stock options.

Say you're an employee of Reliance Industries and you're given an option to purchase 5000 Reliance shares at say Rs. 2600, which is the current price, after 2 years contingent upon your employment with the company. Now, you'd do all you can do to ensure that the company performs well, and the stock price increases. Imagine being able to purchase it for 2.6k/share when the price is 3.5k/share. You make a profit of 900/share; exclusive of capital gains and other taxes, and transaction costs.

Steve Jobs will do just fine with a USD 1/annum salary, till he gets hundreds of millions worth of stock options per year. :)
but I remember reading about some "compensation" apple gave Jobs last year to make up for the missing salary. What was that ?


left this forum longback
Giant Bill Gates Apparition Haunts Malaysia Conference

seems like ppl are very much getting aware of the monopolist bill gates and his demon child - microsoft ;)
May 20, 2008
Giant Bill Gates Apparition Haunts Malaysia Conference
A day after Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was pelted with eggs by an angry audience member during a speech in Hungary, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates was completely relaxed as he spoke to attendees at the World Congress on Information Technology in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

That's because Gates' appearance was virtual, made possible not only by the magic of software, but also the magic of holographic technology.
According to Malaysian newspaper The Star, a 15-foot tall, high definition holographic image of Gates was projected onto a plastic foil screen at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, much to the amazement of several thousand conference attendees who witnessed the event.

Gates' five minute speech, recorded two weeks ago in Seattle, centered on how the growth of computing power is opening up opportunities for developing nations, and also emphasized the importance of fighting software piracy worldwide, according to a report in the New Straits Times.
Could it be that Microsoft has decided that holographic technology can be leveraged to prevent its top executives from being hit with pies and eggs during public appearances?

In February 1998, Gates was hit in the face with a cream pie outside a Flemish government building in Flanders in northern Belgium, on his way to a meeting Belgian government officials.
No word from Microsoft as to whether Ballmer might decide to deliver his next keynote holographically.


The Devil's Advocate
^^ :lol: that is the crappiest logic ever :lol: next you will say, ambani used video conferencing because he was afraid some one will throw eggs on him. :lol:


Thinking Different
^^ :lol: that is the crappiest logic ever :lol: next you will say, ambani used video conferencing because he was afraid some one will throw eggs on him. :lol:

Why? I won't be surprised with that. Reliance is crap anyway.

By the way, in my view, the attack was not fair. On a second thought, I won't say that when it is with Steve Ballmer. :)


Actually all the three eggs missed.
Seems like the either monkey dancing paid off for Ballmer or Hungarians are really lousy at target practice!
To a certain extent the egg part was uncalled for. It would have been better if the guy after speaking to Ballmer should have made him reply to his accusations. Throwing eggs gave Ballmer a certain degree of moral protection.

@praka: wou easy on the links bro. There is already a lot of colored text in the forums.


Aspiring Novelist
^^ :lol: that is the crappiest logic ever :lol: next you will say, ambani used video conferencing because he was afraid some one will throw eggs on him. :lol:
Dude, it was obviously a joke.

Actually all the three eggs missed.
Seems like the either monkey dancing paid off for Ballmer or Hungarians are really lousy at target practice!
Yeah, the guy was nervous and scared. He probably did it on a dare or something.

Either way, it was a stupid thing to do. It might be entertaining for the viewers and you might get your fifteen seconds of fame, but you have to ask yourself, is it worth it?
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