If you find this message “I DNT HATE MOZILLA BUT USE IE OR ELSE…” when you launch Firefox or this” ORKUT IS BANNED, Orkut is banned you fool`, The administrators didn’t write this program guess who did?? ” when you try to launch Orkut Or "youtube IS BANNED,youtube is banned you fool`, The administrators didn’t write this program guess who did??`r`r MUHAHAHA!!,30", then you are system is infected with w32.USBworm. Don’t PANIC, this worm is a decent worm, which does not destroy your files or damage your computer.
The following steps help you to remove w32.USBworm completely from your system.
First you need to see all the running processes on your system, for that you need to press Alt+Ctrl+Del. This will launch 'Task Manager' then click on Process tab to see all the running processes. Then you need to manually search for 'svchost.exe' (you will find many but you need to carefully select the one which is having 'User Name' as your Windows login name). Refer to the below attached picture. After finding the process, right click on the process and click 'End Process Tree', and then click on OK. This will kill the running virus on your system.
Now you can happily launch Firefox, Orkut and Youtube.
Lets throw the worm out of the computer
To remove the worm completely from your computer, you need to remove Registry keys written by the worm
1. Press "Window key" + "r" or go to Start-->Run, then type "regedit" (without quotes).
2. You need to navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL, checkedvalue" And reset the “CheckedValue” key back to 1. This is to show all the hidden files.
3. Then navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run " and delete the "winlogon" key. --- This will stop the worm installing at the start up.
Now you need to search for the worm which is located on your harddisk. For that you need to use the windows search and do the things. Simply open search window and type"svchost.exe" it will be a green icon wid "H" written on it
Last but not the least,
you need to download disinfectant (*www.techsupportforum.com/sectools/sUBs/Flash_Disinfector.exe) and then run on your computer to avoid further attack of this worm.
Note: This disinfectant does not remove the worm. You need to manually remove the worm