Spoilt video in kazaa

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Wise Old Owl
I use Kazaa and BitTorrent to download DivX files. Very often the video has distortions and skipped frames. Is this due to a problem while downloading the file or because the source file was already spoilt?


u can fix the broken blocks of file which leads to skipped frames, hang ups and distortions by using VCD Gear, a free ultimate software for conversion.
Use the mpeg->mpeg conversion option in vcdgear tab, with Fix mpeg errors option checked.
If this does not solve ur problem, it means that some part of file is corrupt and u have remove them.u can do the same using a software called M1 Edit Mpeg Repair.


In the zone
swatkat has not noticed that the topic is abt DivX files ok?

so in kazaa most divxs r ok which r long but u sholud see it in AVIPreview. so if it is corrupted then u can cancle it yaaar...

i m using kazaa only bcs that eDonkey is not so good & eats the memory yaar.so use kazaa for avi files . its good. & check files with the avipreview.

u can also fix the errors in divx avis bys using "DivFix" software which is freeware ok? so get it from google yaar & use to fix eror. u can use once then use it 2nd time on new generated file & keep going on more times until u get some result. u lost some part of film but see some of that ok?


Aspiring Novelist
Well This Could Be Due To Various Reasons.....Usually There are Diff Codecs Mismatch Errors Due To Which The Video Kinda Jitters During Playback.....Download The Latest Divx 5.02 Codec Pack And Then Runn This Files......Also This Could Be The Encoding Error From The Source File.....The .Avi Files Downloaded Over Kazaa arent That trusted Usually....So I prefer The Bit Torrent Way.....They Usually Have The Best DVD Rips :D


Cyborg Agent
Yes either source fil corruption or cud be due to the fact that most fourcc based codecs do lossy compression that means quality isnt the preference here. When these files are passed between multiple user there results a loss in quality which cus lead to skipping frames/screen corruptions.

@allwyn: BT rips are much better than Kazaa ones cuz BT uses file hashing which allows the other users downloading from u to get the perfect digital copies from u. File hashing concept is used here whereas in kazaa there isnt any such concept used afaik. So BT digital files end up being more reliable than Kazaa ones ;).


parthbarot said:
swatkat has not noticed that the topic is abt DivX files ok?
oops...yeah, i didnt noticed that it was DiVx he was asking about..
Thought about mpeg.. :D


partbarot said:
so in kazaa most divxs r ok which r long but u sholud see it in AVIPreview. so if it is corrupted then u can cancle it yaaar...
allwundlima said:
The .Avi Files Downloaded Over Kazaa arent That trusted Usually....

the corruption hes talkin abt is file corruption
as in jerks and skips that are often foind in divx movies
this is a result of bad ripping
previewing in avi preview will not tell u this ..
unless ofcourse u watch every minute downloaded in avi preview and find out where the fault lies
and that just defeats the purpose of downloadin a movie to watch it completely doesnt it ?

allwyndlima said:
....Usually There are Diff Codecs Mismatch Errors Due To Which The Video Kinda Jitters During Playback...
the problem is .. like u said later ... encoding errors from source file
in playback if theres a codec mismatch it wont play properly
or sometimes ull get audio video asynched
not skipping frames

just wanted to clear that out :D


Aspiring Novelist
Just Wanted To Clear That Out Yea Right :wink: Lol
Anyways The .Avi File Trsuting Was Just a General Statement I made And Not Related To That Dude Up There :lol:....The Avi Preview Is Completely Sh!t And Always Jitters For The Divx Files :evil:

Btw If The Coded Mismatch Ocurs Then The Files Behave Abnormally.....Frame Skippin And Jitterin Inculded :wink:

Like For Instance....Had Recently Downloaded The Rocky IV Xvid Rip Over BT And Then The Skippin Started Smoothly.....hmmm I Thought Was Screwed But Nope Yaar Just a Little Updating To Divx 5.02 Bundled Codec Did The Trick For Me..... :wink:

Just Wanted To Clear That Out Too Buddy :wink:


we are on the same page dude
we said the same thing in diff ways i just realised :D

The Avi Preview Is Completely Sh!t And Always Jitters For The Divx Files
thats the only thing i dun agree with
i mean it works good as a previewer ..a nd with the proper codecs installed
my files have never skipped till date ... unless they've had a source file corruption

and yeah if the file is coded with an updated codec u will have problems playin it back if u have an older one :D
ocourse set ur newer version to play the older versions by default ...

divFix and divx antifreeze are a lil weird to get used to and work ard
dunno abt asf-avi-tm-wmv repair ... thanx for the link .. will try it out
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