SPOILER Alert - Intel CPUs Impacted by New Vulnerability


The name is funny so to say. But All I see is manufacturing going hyper to release BIOS updates to patch it even though it says that complete architecture change would be required and Intel says otherwise.
I Just hope any patch etc released does not slow down the PC's like the existing AMD A ceries CPU's.


The name is funny so to say. But All I see is manufacturing going hyper to release BIOS updates to patch it even though it says that complete architecture change would be required and Intel says otherwise.
I Just hope any patch etc released does not slow down the PC's like the existing AMD A ceries CPU's.

Quoting the article,

"Both AMD and ARM processors were investigated as part of the academic paper, which can be read here, though neither were found to exhibit the same behaviours as Intel's chips. The issue was found to impact Intel processors regardless of the OS used and was functional both within virtual machines and sandboxed environments."

Therefore it should have zero impact on any AMD CPU's unless intel or anyone else deliberately tried to slow the other CPU's down....