Na I dont agree with karmanya. i saw spiderman 3 three days back. Storyline is awesome . Sandman , venom , harry as green goblet & parker struggling with his own bad corner ..really good.. i wud rate it second best movie of decade ( after da vinci code 4 me). But the spidey ppl missed one small thing..When meteorite crashes wid the symbiotic alien species( a symbiotic organism is the one which selects a host & develops a biological relationship with him in order to give both of them mutual benefit .yes spidey got an incremental increase in his powers & wid some side effects like rage etc)
The meteorite must have produced a big bang and a lot of sound which shd have destroyed the alien org. But as the story advances even small metallic sounds are fatal to it.And ppl who argue that meteorite is non metallic 4 them : meteorite contain high % of iron and nickel
I loved peter parker's dance (Elvis style plus salsa) and funloving nature.Great work .Highly Recommended.
Pritish_kul2 ..Did u see the movie in theatre or just grabbed a copy of pirated cd(sorry 4 asking but i had no problem in checking out even minute details)
Prasad_den : Bollywood movies do not make any sense .Howcome ali came leaping over trees in dhoom 2( i didnt see it after this seen). spidey 3 comparison with bollywood movies pityful .PLZ PLZ PLZ spiderman 3 is even not comparable to bollwood crap.Sorry guys no grudges but this comparison just got on my nerves