Post some useful tweaks by which you can speed up your PC .. dont include some third party softwares .. We need to tweak settings on the OS to speed up .. I dont like those software which claim they boost your pc speed blah blah blah ...
Well this is what i did to speed up a bit and give stability
I changed my Virtual RAM from the disk containing Windows to another drive .. it makes your pc a bit stable ..
to do it, right-click My computer and click Properties
in the Advanced Tab click Settings under Performance ..
go to the Advanced Tab in the dialog box and click Change under Virtual Memory section
you will see your drives and the virtual memory alloted ..
select the drive which has ur OS running and select "no paging file" and click Set
the select another drive which has good amount of free space, then select "custom size" and give the amount you can dedicate to Vitual Memory (give the Initial and Max as the same size in MB) The size you give depends on ur RAM. for my 1GB ram, my Virtual memory is 1.5GB ..
click Set
Click Ok, Ok and Ok .. Restart your PC
Guys please post any other tweaks for improving your PC performance ..
Post some useful tweaks by which you can speed up your PC .. dont include some third party softwares .. We need to tweak settings on the OS to speed up .. I dont like those software which claim they boost your pc speed blah blah blah ...
Well this is what i did to speed up a bit and give stability
I changed my Virtual RAM from the disk containing Windows to another drive .. it makes your pc a bit stable ..
to do it, right-click My computer and click Properties
in the Advanced Tab click Settings under Performance ..
go to the Advanced Tab in the dialog box and click Change under Virtual Memory section
you will see your drives and the virtual memory alloted ..
select the drive which has ur OS running and select "no paging file" and click Set
the select another drive which has good amount of free space, then select "custom size" and give the amount you can dedicate to Vitual Memory (give the Initial and Max as the same size in MB) The size you give depends on ur RAM. for my 1GB ram, my Virtual memory is 1.5GB ..
click Set
Click Ok, Ok and Ok .. Restart your PC
Guys please post any other tweaks for improving your PC performance ..