Some Winamp Modern Skins not working. Please help

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I have WinAmp 5.07 on Windows 98SE.

The problem is that some of the modern skins don't work. As soon as I switch over to it, I get the classic skin :( However, some other ones work

Can anyone point out the problem please?

I have noticed that the ones that don't work are too small in size. One of them was only 9kb!! So they are not getting downloaded properly. :cry: I tried downloading with Firefox and IE after clearing cache/temporary internet files. But still it doesn't work.

The Incredible

Ambassador of Buzz
tuxfan said:
I have WinAmp 5.07 on Windows 98SE.

The problem is that some of the modern skins don't work. As soon as I switch over to it, I get the classic skin :( However, some other ones work

Can anyone point out the problem please?

I have noticed that the ones that don't work are too small in size. One of them was only 9kb!! So they are not getting downloaded properly. :cry: I tried downloading with Firefox and IE after clearing cache/temporary internet files. But still it doesn't work.

perhaps da problem must be in downloading try opera n get da link n download them using sum download manager.
hop tis works.
Cheers. :)


QA Juggler
well bud...many skins are optimized for XP..thats why ur getting the Classic Skin.....or as u say bay b they r not downloaded properly...try to d/l using a good d/l manager..and see if wroks..also u can get skins for Winamp 5 fm old digit mag n see if it works....on ur 98 or not..


One skin that wasn't working earlier started working after I downloaded it from a different source. So the problem seems to be in downloading.

What can I do about it?
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