Some queries about Dell xcd35


Off Hook!
Guys im planing on getting this phone...

My only requirements are it should be able to play xvid (dvdrips 700mb ones) and mainly BoB reenc,minishares x264 480p tv shows and youtube 360p videos out of the box or with a decent player(by decent i mean decent frame rates w/o frame drops or the buggy bad interface ones)

i currently have 5230 ...which plays xvid but skips a lot of frames when it comes to playing x264 and 360p youtube videos with ucplayer(which is a very buggy app)

and yeah how long does the battery life last while watching videos say x264 360p ones?

my 5230 lasts for 6 episodes of 42min ones so that's approx 4hours on a complete charge

and of course the music quality(not through default earphone) should on-par if not improvement over my 5230
btw i have pl11 earphones

anything guys??


read that it plays x264 only baseline profile
and the minishares /BoB use High @L3.1 x264
so anybody tried it yet
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