softwares for interactive online tutorials

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Cyborg Agent
Hello Guys,
I am looking for softwares & utilities which can be helpful in maintaining a online class room.

For interactive classes where we will have group voice chat/ 1-1 chat, sending images/pdf files/videos/ to the group is required.

Can you suggest the following:
Group chat clients yahoo/skype/ICQ which one is better.

There is something called webcasting where video can be fed live to selective group, any softwares for that?

any other tools in making the online classes more interactive, any website having more info on such activities.



donno about webcasting, but u can make customised apps for this job in flash or director MX, Flash is prefered cos u can simply make it in Flex & run in on Linux boxes, if it has nothing to do with Windows OS, this will be cheaper. I m assuming u r gonna run all of them on LAN, so u need an IM client for LAN usage. I would say go for skype , it's free, & u can run it on LAN, u can voice chat with students & even transfer files, or simple text based chat

For a tutorial on how to use Skype on Lan, Read here


Cyborg Agent
For webcasting I found 2 soft-wares, I need to try them before we settle on any one of it.

Does skype or yahoo has possibilities of photo / files sharing to the entire group.
Photo sharing is part of yahoo but not sure if it does the same when In conference to all the people at one command.
Found one related website which offers online course building materials
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Cyborg Agent
Found another good free software for group sharing & discussing.
Zoho Virtual Office
Just downloading it.
If any one else knows about such software, specially cross platform then please post here.
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