Wise Old Owl
Acyd Burn wrote:
i think it is time to give you a small heads up about the current status of phpBB3 (Olympus) now the Beta5 release was quite some time ago. :/
The next intended release is indeed RC1. Those bugs currently tagged as "review later" within the bug tracker are those we will get to after RC1 is released - to us they are non-critical, minor bugs which can be handled with at a later stage. At the moment the code base is nearly RC1-ready, but there is still one component we want to finalize (apart from the remaining critical bugs) being the captcha which has shown to be not as effective as we thought (we used third party code and hoped it being more matured than ours). Once the remaining critical bugs are fixed and the captcha problem being resolved we will release the first release candidate.
Please note, that with the first release candidate we won't provide a full update package for beta5 to RC1 - we were not able to due to the added files (changes within the installer) and the addition of prosilver as well as the renaming from subSilver to subsilver2. This only affects the files, which need to be updated by hand if you want to go through updating. Regarding the database update from Beta5 to RC1, those on MySQL <= 4.0.3 would need to completely re-install, all others will be able to update their databases of course (the database update script will be provided).
To re-iterate our support schema once RC1 is out:
We won't support the following installation types:
Updates from phpBB3 Beta versions to phpBB3 RC1 and higher
Conversions from phpBB 2.0.x to phpBB3 Beta versions
phpBB3 Beta installations
We give support for the following installation types:
Updates from phpBB3 RC1 to any higher version (not relevant at the moment)
Conversions from phpBB 2.0.x to phpBB3 RC1 and higher
New installations of phpBB3 RC1 and higher
So, what can you do to speed up the process of releasing RC1?
Beside bug reporting (and trying to provide solutions) - have a look at the documentation. We still consider opening up the documentation for others to contribute, even if it may only be for adding comments. Our documentation team would be happy to receive feedback and maybe also partly written paragraphs?
The phpBB Team.
now many users use phpbb3 beta. if RC1 can't convert betas to RC1 then wat is the use?
source: *