Slow IDE hard disc

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In the zone
I have ASUS M3N78-EM Motherboard running on a quad-core processor. As there is only one IDE port in the motherboard, I have to put IDE hard disc in the middle and DVD writer drive at the end of the IDE cable. I also have a SATA Hard disc in my system. But whenever I transfer data from IDE drive to SATA drive, the transfer speed is pathetically slow. Movies kept at IDE hard disc cannot play smoothly and stutters continuously. What may be the possible problem?

By the way, the IDE hard drive is in good condition.


In the zone

I tried the same thing on my desktop but my IDE was not detected.
I googled the problem and found that it is a issue of BUS speed of the channel.
For more info, check this:

What I did you use the IDE HDD, I got myself a USB-IDE Bridge. (Commonly called hard disk casing). You can use that to get good speed. Also will be able to play your movies, perfectly fine!
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