Sapphire Launches Radeon HD 6950 TOXIC Edition, Fastest HD 6950 Yet

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
Sapphire Launches Radeon HD 6950 TOXIC Edition, Fastest HD 6950 Yet | techPowerUp


SAPPHIRE Technology – the world leading supplier of graphics solutions, mainboards and other PC products - has just announced the SAPPHIRE HD 6950 TOXIC Edition, the fastest production card in its class.

The SAPPHIRE HD 6950 TOXIC Edition ships with clock speeds of 880MHz for the core and 1300Mhz (5.2 Gb/sec effective) for the memory making it the fastest production HD 6950 on the market. This has been achieved by building the card on a high specification PCB with digital VRMs for excellent power regulation and 8 + 6 pin power connectors. It has a high performance cooler featuring a Vapor Chamber, blower fan and a new perforated backplate to increase airflow out of the system case.

Like the standard HD 6950, the SAPPHIRE HD 6950 TOXIC Edition boasts true DX 11 capability and the powerful configuration of 1408 stream processors and 88 texture processing units. A Dual BIOS feature allows enthusiasts to experiment with alternative BIOS profiles and settings. Performance can be further enhanced with SAPPHIRE TriXX – the company’s dedicated overclocking tool which allows memory and core clock speeds and voltages to be modified and monitored and is available free to download.


laborare est orare
It may not be an excellent buy. Check the comments of this card owners in the thread jas has given. All of them are complaing about the noise level of the cooler and here Sapphire cooler is more close to the stock version rather than their custom Copper heatpipe based toxic or Vapor-X cooler.


Super Moderator
Staff member
card looks cool - what's the price ?

basically it's a HD6950 with HD6970's clock speed - only 75 Mhz short on memory speed and best thing is it can be unlocked to 1536 shaders and can be Oced to 950Mhz+ on core and 1400Mhz+ on mem ;-)

here's a detailed Review+Becnhmark ;-)
Sapphire HD 6950 Toxic Edition 2GB Review | KitGuru
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