Sabayon installation

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Broken In
Im trying to Install Sabayon 3.26 64 bit version.
The sequence of events are as follows:
I have DVD RW and CD RW Drive. install disc is DVD in DVDRW drive
When I select Install Sabayon in text or graphics mode, it tries to mount /dev/sr0 and CD RW drive light blinks. I presume /dev/sr1 is DVDRW drive which is supposed to be mounted. If i place ne disk in my CDRW drive i.e. sr0, it displays invalid boot disk message and doesn check sr1
If i dont place ne thing in CDRW drive, I get "Kernel Panic" error message.

Am confused. Pls help



18 Till I Die............
Don't use 64 bit. There are still some issues with 64 bit linux that needs to be sorted out.
And try searching for this error on sabayon's forum. Chances are someone else faced it too, then you should find an answer.


Broken In
Even i thought the same. So just some time bak, I got the x86 version, no luck. Same problem.



Ne other ideas??


18 Till I Die............
Well try the last suggestion on linuxforums. It happens many times that DVD drive does create problems if it's not the master.
If that doesn't help also try passing noapic or noapci at boot time and see if it helps. This is like a last ditch effort not exactly a good soln. to give.


18 Till I Die............
First check with your local LUG. Else request for it on distro request thread. I think caleb had it downloaded and might be able to give you. Else you can look to buy it from some store selling linux CD/DVD's.


El mooooo
Can't you remove your CD-RW drive just for the time being? After you complete the install, you can reconnect the drive and it will work fine.


Broken In

Have some good and bad news.
Good is tat i can finally boot the DVD*
I made the DVDRW drive as primary slave and am able to boot the DVD.

Now the bad news. Im still not able to install *
The problem is after the progress bar reaches almost completion(when i select livecd, gui installl, console install etc), the monitor goes blank and monitor led blinks. So it implies my monitor is not detected. When i press Ctrl+Alt+F1 , i get the console. When i try to start gdm(/usr/bin) or Xsession(/etc/X11), I get the foll error messages :
xterm xterror : cant open display %s
xterm : Display not setup
I also tried copying xorg.conf.legacy to xorg.conf and also tried configuring xorg.conf again. But no use.
I can get to console. Can i install from there, is there ne provision???

My monitor is Proview PA-456.



El mooooo
sudhix said:
also tried configuring xorg.conf again. But no use.
How did you do it? By executing the command xorgconfig? Were you able to create a xorg.conf file successfully?


Right off the assembly line

I do not know if you already have solved your Sabayon blues - but the thing is you have got to have a completed installation before you start playing with your xorg.conf file.

What sort of monitor configurations have you selected before your install - if you havent selected anything specific, please look at the command line parameters that you can pass before installation - this kind of error mostly has to do with the low horizontal and vertical refresh rates of 15 inch CRT monitors (I had one - so i realize the struggle). By default most of these Linux installs set the refresh rates to a higher value. Please read the instructions on how to set the refresh rates and then proceed.
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