
Legend Never Ends
They should try and make role specific cars that are somehow better at their rolls like goal keeper etc or select your role at start that makes it better.

That way we can have a new meta every few months and game stays fresh.


The Power of x480
Staff member
They should try and make role specific cars that are somehow better at their rolls like goal keeper etc or select your role at start that makes it better.

That way we can have a new meta every few months and game stays fresh.

The game have multiple layers of skills which is required. It can stay fresh even with current scenario. Giving one car advantage over the other is not good since it will impact the game negatively.
In current scenario, anyone can become goal keeper and anyone can switch from offensive to defensive and vice versa. If you fix one person as goalie, other team might attack knowing this beforehand. So element of surprise will be hampered if we fix one player to do some specific thing.

As for the multiple skills required those are in following order:
1. Making goals
2. Defending goals being a goal keeper
3. Defending goals NOT being a goal keeper
4. Dribbling ball and having a better control on it in general

Even when and if you master above skills, then comes the "Ariel" skills. Even touching the ball mid air is a challenge, making goals is a distant skill.

With so much to practice and master, the game have too much to offer. I on the other hand drive only in my BTTF DeLorean, so that I don't have to worry about customization (which I think is just shenanigans).

And with the 3 new maps coming, RL will only go better. Developers like EA and Ubisoft should learn something from Psyonix!


Legend Never Ends
Hmm regarding the car thing I think just according your role your car can get better in that role during the match. They could try it for a while. Say your car boost better on last quarter of your own half when your are keeper.

Still I feel maps only might not be sufficient in long run. But yes. The Ariel factor makes possibilities just about limitless. Probably none of us can attack Ariel shots well.


The Power of x480
Staff member
So Season 2 patch is live now

Yes.. and its freaking amazing.
Played hours with Noisykeelar. The maps have some learning curve... but its refreshing!

3 lavels:




FULL imgur album:
Rocket League 3 new TRON inspired Arenas - Album on Imgu


The Power of x480
Staff member
Amazing maps. Wow. Can't download update as limited WiFi bandwidth at hostel :(

Oh come on!!! Get some 1 GB 3G.. and DOWNLOAD!!! :hyper:

- - - Updated - - -


Rocket League is Coming to Xbox One on February 17 - Xbox Wir

Any XBox players here?


Legend Never Ends
What do you mean lag? Ping have been improved too.

Servers are fine, it's my internet connection that is the culprit here. Ping spikes way too much these days & significant packet loss. It's rather hard to keep up in a fast paced game like RL that way.


The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ Yea. Servers are fine. ISP here sucks. The usual story.

Anyway, so I have started to a few guides to play RL better. Got this awesome collection of tips on reddit:
Huge Link list for beginners and advanced players. Strategy, Dribbling, Positioning, Tricks/Tipps, Aerials, Freestyles, Stats, Camera etc. : RocketLeagu

Btw, I think I have played RL very much over last month. About 150 hours. In comparison the most beloved game I played all time was Burnout Paradise clocked to about 138 hours, and too over months. Goes to show how addictive RL is.
Its addictive in a good way.

Last night I was watching a past stream of Kronovi playing (the most fantastic player when it come to Aerials in RL). The matches are so beautiful when they play. Everyone just flies around. It looks as if its a quidditch match rather than RL!


The Power of x480
Staff member
I bought a controller (Kick a$$ controller better than XB controller and less than half the price). But I only use it to practice.. since I dont feel confident to use in ranked matches.

So K&M for now. :p


Legend Never Ends
Keyboard mouse here too but yeah playing with a controller should be easier.

vyom said:
Kick a$$ controller better than XB controller and less than half the price

hehe every controller ever released claims at being "better" than a Xbox controller ;)


Cyborg Agent
Thing is with controller its more natural IMO and once you get used to it playing with K&M is really difficult so to say

Also X360 and XB1 are the controllers to go if one wants to buy one for best experiencePlus almost ALL games support them
(except perhaps Logitech controllers )

Edit :Controller is a must especially for racing games due to the analog controls
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