Request - screenshots of various iphone themes

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i saw a screen shot of iphone them in which the slider bar was just like the zip .kindly help me find the theme



Legen-wait for it-dary!
You want us to look at all themes and find which one you're looking for?

Lazy noob, do it yourself. We arent your servants.


Aspiring Novelist
Well, that's what forums are for: helping people out.

If you're not interested, don't bother. Just shut your gob though. There's no need to be rude without any reason whatsoever.

Post reported.


I'll be sure to point it out to you if I come across it. However, I'm not very hopeful. If you remembered the name or something, I might have been more helpful. Check out sites like MacThemes 2.0 and Aqua-Soft Forums. :)


Think Zen.
^Seriously dude , helpin folks is what the forums are for, but not spoon feeding them.

I mean cmon, the dude knows the site , cant he just go ahead and search for himself? How lazy can u get?
We scold folks who come looking for code for his s/w projects, but gotta help this kinda folks?

I'm guessin the only reason ur supportin him is coz of the nature of the topic.


Aspiring Novelist
^Seriously dude , helpin folks is what the forums are for, but not spoon feeding them.
It sometimes happens that you search for something and are unable to find it. I don't think there's anything wrong with asking help on an online forum in a polite manner. Even if he does not deserve to be helped, and I think he does, he certainly doesn't deserve the rudeness. I'm against the rudeness in particular, not his disinclination to lend a helping hand. You open a thread, don't want to help, hit the close button. You are not entitled to spout off rubbish.

I'm guessin the only reason ur supportin him is coz of the nature of the topic.
Yeah, that's a cheap shot, you know. I ran across this topic due to its nature, but I certainly don't go around defending people because they mentioned the iPhone in their post.


thanks to all of u people who r with me but i know google but still i am not able to find out .another on was that da vinci picture in which two men are touching each other fingers at the end one on on continent and other on one continent .u remember ur old history books



Legen-wait for it-dary!

I see no need to flame people unnecessary. I see no reason to be rude and ill-mannered. But I will when I need to make a point which I feel is valid. I say what I feel, and not what others expect to hear.

Being a senior member of the forum, you should know the difference between laziness and not able to find results. I just took a look at the site, and there are over 200 themes for iPhone. And the thumbnails are TINY. And he wants to find the theme in which "slider bar was just like the zip". And he expects to actually look for it!

If THAT is not called laziness, I dont know what is. Do you think a person will seriously look for a needle in the haystack? He was being lazy, and was NOOBISH enough to even have the AUDACITY to post such a question in the forum.

And, as the last question, since you seem so supportive to find needles in haystacks, you can help me find a book. I dont know what it was called, and it had a picture of a ship on it.


Aspiring Novelist
LOL! Ha! Ha!

Regardless of our disagreement over your previous post in this thread, I have to say you write well and seem to have a great sense of humour. :D

As for the topic at hand, I didn't search for the theme myself either. But I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for help finding something if you can't find it yourself. What else was he supposed to do? If I was searching for something on Google and couldn't find it at all, I would post a thread here too, and I wouldn't have wanted to hear someone tell me to search for it, because I'd have already done so.

His posting a thread here means that other people, who might know other sources for iPhone themes or just might happen to have that exact theme on their iPhone, could give him a few helpful pointers. Like, for example, he might not have known about MacThemes and Aqua-Soft and my pointing them out might have helped him.

That's all I'm saying. I agree with you that he shouldn't expect us to look for it for him, do his leg-work—but I don't think that gives any of us the right to rail at him just because he came here looking for some help and asked for it in a very polite manner.

In any case, if you still don't agree with me, let's just agree to disagree. And I look forward to reading more of your posts. :)


Legen-wait for it-dary!
^^ Thats probably the first time someone actually said that.

And about the topic on hand, He would have been MUCH better off posting it in some iPhone theme forum (a google search of which returns many results) because they are a specialized forum by iPhone customers for iPhone customers.

Not that him posting it here was a bad choice, but he didnt know that I am here :) And apologies to the OP for the rudeness, but you seriously need to improve how you ask questions.

On topic again, you can find a good iPhone resources forum by googling, and ask your question. As everyone there is probably an iPhone owner themselves, and they all have their own collection of themes, you can expect a much positive answer there.
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