Removed W8 and 7, now unable to install it back :(


Computer Addict
I will try to explain in a simple manner.


1. Windows 8

2. Windows 7

as they were showing issues, to test, over these 2, I installed Ubuntu 12.04

The system is HP Pavilion laptop.I formatted both W8 and W7 partitions through Ubuntu.

After uninstall

1. When tried to install Windows 7 Ultimate, it has some boot loader issue. So I used Ubuntu boot repair disc and was able to access my old Ubuntu installation.

2. Now again tried to install W7. Luckily everything went smooth till last step. During final reboot, I got grub with W7 loader entry. But when I click it, it happens again. There is a black screen and a underscore cursor which flashes for a minute and system reboot.

What I am looking for

1. Install W7 without loosing data. I am ready to sacrifice the Ubuntu installation but there are some 200 GB data in 3 other paritions.

2. If possible use W7, Ubuntu dual boot again.

Please assist. Thanks.


Aspiring Novelist
try formatting the partition where you installed ubuntu, delete that partition and create a new volume. then try to install W7.
if you dont use ubuntu so frequently , then use it in virtual box.


Computer Addict
There is no bootable disc that can do this job ? I am more concerned about the data on other laptop partitions. Can't we fix the MBR using some method ? I am ok even if GRUB is the default bootloader.


Aspiring Novelist
There is no bootable disc that can do this job ? I am more concerned about the data on other laptop partitions. Can't we fix the MBR using some method ? I am ok even if GRUB is the default bootloader.

if you delete only the partition were ubuntu resides(assuming no needed data on this partition), the data on other partitions will be unaffected.
also before formatting, try these.
-> boot using your windows 7 disk.disconnect any peripherals connected including any pendrives and such
-> choose repair and opt for command prompt
-> to get your dvd drive letter, type "diskpart" (without quotes) and press enter key
-> type "select disk 0" and press Enter
-> type "list volume" and press Enter
-> not down dvd drive letter
-> type "exit" and press enter which exits from diskpart
-> now type "H:" and press enter(assuming your dvd drive letter is H)
->type "bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr" and thn exit after successful completion. then restart and see whether problem is solved or not.


Computer Addict
Thanks. Tried that only to get a message that " this type of error cannot be repaired by this disc" . :(


Aspiring Novelist
then try this command "bootsect.exe /nt60 ALL /force" instead of "bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr"


Computer Addict
ok. I deleted ubuntu swap and OS partitions. Now I have no OS. Will try to fix using above command.

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No luck :(


Aspiring Novelist
without a windows OS ,you cant use those commands to fix your issue.
better you re-install W7 then.


Computer Addict
After deleting ubuntu paritions, I reinstalled windows and it went correctly till final boot. Any other way ?


Geek v1.0
You can try booting a live Linux dvd to backup ur data somewhere on an external source and format the HDD to install the OS again


Computer Addict
I finally got it fixed. Used a rescue disc. Thanks for all the help :)

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After deleting ubuntu paritions, I reinstalled windows and it went correctly till final boot. Any other way ?

Too much data. I do not have a bigger storage device :(
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