Reliable external hdd


Make Way the LORD is Here
i plan to buy an external hdd, i have to store very important data on it
so it has to be very reliable and should last me for should be able to handle minor drops etc. i cannot take the risk of data loss(even though i will have backups)

so please suggest, what should i buy?
3.5" or 2.5", 500 gb or 1tb, with external power or without ?

Ishu Gupta

Manchester United
If your data is very very important, then you can get an SSD. They are much more reliable than HDDs (Unless you intend to read/write often).

And reliability of an HDD decreases with more capacity, so getting a smaller RAID1 HDD will be good for you. Internal will be better than external.

If you want external, look for an eSATA version so you can monitor HDD SMART info.


Make Way the LORD is Here
SSD's are way to costly... have been reading on the net.. 1 tb has become reliable nowadays..
i'll look for the one which gives max warranty.. between seagate and WD
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