in my comptuer one of my folder is changed into control pannel and it is named as SystemInfomationsIpemVolume plz tell me how can i normalize my forlder again it contain my very imp data i try to rename it it but the result is still same
Your every problem is going to big, realy big, really big.
I think next should be
Maha big.
By the way Check your system for Viruses and spywares first.
And try this method to normal your folder:
1. Open command window.
2. change the path to the directory where your folder is exist by cd command.
eg. if your folder in C:\tabish then:
3. Now according to your folder name Type this command:
ren SystemInfomationsIpemVolume.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} SystemInfomationsIpemVolume
just copy it and paste in command window, along with correct path as i above tell.
if you could properly your folder will normal.