I had 128 Mb PC133MHz RAM on a VIA V845SX Motherboard with a P4 1.7GHz processor and ran XP Pro SP2. I decided to add more RAM and got another RAM of similar configuration but of different company. I put them together and the problem began. My computer started freezing a lot. BSODs on XP saying PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA repeated. I reinstalled XP but in vain. I downloaded Memtest which either showed errors or just hung.........
I tried Memtest on individual RAMs at their respective slots and they do not show errors. They show errors only when they are together. I tried putting them in different slots but in vain. Is there any way to rectify this?? Maybe some motherboard setting or something..............
I tried Memtest on individual RAMs at their respective slots and they do not show errors. They show errors only when they are together. I tried putting them in different slots but in vain. Is there any way to rectify this?? Maybe some motherboard setting or something..............