queer problem

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cool anshu1

Right off the assembly line
hi ! first of all take my well wishes for your great rather marvellous magazine.i have been a regular readerof the magazine. :lol:
I have a P4 160 mhz machine with 128 mb of ram .in had
a queer problem.whenever i switch on my computer ,firstly it scans
the disk c:,after that it gives a message"out of range:75-80hz".
i don't know as to what has gone wrong.please help me out.


Right off the assembly line

I have a P4 160 mhz machine with 128 mb of ram

I have a P4 160 mhz machine with 128 mb of ram

if your processor is 160mhz then you are the proud owner of the slowest p4 in this world... any way it seems to me that it might be a problem with your monitor your refresh rate might be too high for your monitor.... could you please tell me where and when this message is being displayed and what is happening after this message is you system restarting or is it just stuck...


King of my own Castle
COmeon dont pull so much on silly mistakes. Everyone makes it once a while . :wink:
About the messege "out of range:75-80hz" ...it means your monitor is unable to support the Refresh rate of 75 hz upwards
TO solve it just boot in safe mode by pressing F8 During Booting . Go to display properties -advanced -adapter and click the refresh rate to 65Hz . You are set there.
For the Scandisk at the start please specify the Operating system u use ...as playing with Generic setting will disable the Scandisk at wrong option which is not good for Life of Harddisk
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