Quake 3 Maximum Detail ?(Screenshot request)

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Talk to the hand!!!
I am preparing screenshots for comparing Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament.(Same old "grudge match" of the previous millennium.)
So I need the maximum detail to which both the games can be pushed. I already know how to do it for UT (Thanks to the Beyond Unreal Forums) Can anyone tell me if there is a way to push the level of detail to the maximum , or better, provide me with actual screenshots ? Meanwhile I'm using nvidia's control panel to tweak the game.

If you are posting screenshots, kindly take them at a resolution of 1280 X 1024 / 1600 X 1200 . No lower resolutions. Bitmaps more preferable than JPEGs(56K stay away from this thread!).

Here I've uploaded 4 sample shots of both the games. This is not really a comparison. Just a look at the difference in approach to game development from both id and epic. The level design of Quake 3 is more claustrophobic while in UT there is a sort of openness in environment.
Quake3 has been long replaced with its huge list of mods. Urban Terror, Open Arena, Tremulous and World of Padman have taken away nearly all of Quake 3 Arena's user base, as they cover each and every aspect Quake 3 stood out in.

But Unreal Tournament Goty is still doing its rounds, as its graphics didn't suck too much, and its games are still playable.
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