Q. about pc monitor/display for gaming


Broken In
Hello friends,

i am looking to buy another gaming pc soon. so i need help regarding monitor.

(1) Playing games in non native resolution looks bad or not? lets say 1440x900 or 1600x900 on full hd monitor. Is there any black bar on side ? how's overall quality?

(2) if looks bad then full hd monitor forces me to buy high end hardware.(like corei5+4 gb ram+high gfx card) right?

(3) I dont want to spend too much on gaming pc,30-35k maximum.so should i go with monitor which has like 1366x768 or 1440x900? or full hd is fine or waste of money?

thx in advance :)


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when it comes to gaming full HD is never a waste of money.for playing games in full HD you need a good graphics card but processor need not be a core i5.you can get amd athlon or phenom II X4 quad core processor for ~Rs.5000.a ~Rs.10000 graphics card will allow playing most games in HD at full settings & a few very demanding games at mid settings.4gb corsair value ram is ~1300.


Broken In
when it comes to gaming full HD is never a waste of money.for playing games in full HD you need a good graphics card but processor need not be a core i5.you can get amd athlon or phenom II X4 quad core processor for ~Rs.5000.a ~Rs.10000 graphics card will allow playing most games in HD at full settings & a few very demanding games at mid settings.4gb corsair value ram is ~1300.

thx for reply,but i really need to know about (1)


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as long as aspect ratio of game is equal to monitor aspect ratio game will display on full screen.all widescreen lcd monitors have aspect ratio of 16:9 i.e.1366*768(HD ready) or 1920*1080(full HD) or 16:10(1440*900).now-a-days all good gaming lcd screens are 16:9 & difference between HD ready & full HD is very less.you can get benq G2220HD 21.5" full HD monitor for ~7000.since all games support resolution of 16:9 so getting a 16:10 monitor is not a good idea because then you will get thin horizontal black bars on top & bottom of screen.


yes, If AR is same to you Monitor then no Black bars .. game will stretch it to full screen.. only difference will be that their will less details. Now all monitors come in 16:9 so go for that AR.. Don't Buy 16:10 as all movies come in 16:9 and it will be stretched in 16:10 monitors or it will be shown with Black Bars.

You don't need to buy high end products for it you can game 1280 x 720 (16:9) or even lower then that like 1024 x 576 (16:9) on you your Full HD monitor (1920 x 1080) 16:9.

For movie Watching and everything better go For Full HD Monitors and with your budget better go for AMD Rig

If you wish to Buy computer then DO post your query with Your budget in this Section.. Member will suggest what is Best for You.. also answer this question and post in that thread with you query
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Broken In
thx for reply my friends, but take a look at this link.

To Full HD Or Not To Full HD

what do u think?i have same query.as they say.

any1 here playing games at full hd? could u make gameplay video in full hd as well as on lower reolution and post on youtube? I really appreciate if some do it. i wanna see the difference.

bcz my friend has 1680x1050 native resolution supported samsung monitor.
gameplay is awesome on that resolution but at lower resolution black bar is not a major issue but game detail and overall quality ****ed up.

so what do u think? :shock:


Super Moderator
Staff member
ppi is not an issue with 24" or smaller monitor.only full HD 27" monitors(TN panel)are considered as not good because of their low ppi.note that this is applicable only to TN panel monitors & not IPS panel lcd monitors & TVs.there is no point in getting a lower resolution screen for 500-1000 less.
also from my earlier post:
a ~Rs.10000 graphics card will allow playing most games in HD at full settings & a few very demanding games at mid settings
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