Protected files....

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i hav sum *.wmv files,
when i play them,they acquire licenses from the net,
ne way i can bypass this??lik mayb save the licenses on my hdd itself?


dude these are the protected media files and especially the windows media format has many protections

dude i dont think that bypassing is legal ..isn't it ??

the one thing u could do is that
try to convert in other format (BTW sometimes even protected files cannot be converted)


saurav_cheeta said:
Expert said:
dude i dont think that bypassing is legal ..isn't it ??

what if an user own those files ligely??

if the fiels are owned by the users legally then why the files are requesting for internet connection for playing and downlaoding licenses

yes probably it may not be illegal to bypass those owned files

but doing so will violate the wmv protection

i dont know if its legal or illegal

the question arises here is how to bypass it

so in this regard a use of converter may be a try
or just recording the song (one time played through the net)

well let me see how to bypass it ??????

and i ask everyone to tell if its legal or illegal even the file is owned by the user ?
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