Problem Related To Blue Tooth

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Just Purchased 7610 And Want To install Some Good Songs etc etc
So Can Anyone Tell me how to start a bluetooth with my computer
What are the devices available in the market,all the neccesary softwares for my windows Xp
Looking For HELP!!!


u need to get a bluetooth dongle for ur pc
it'll plug into ur usb port
it'll come with drivers
and thats all u need
start bluetooth on both devices
set both devices to be "Searchable" on the network
pair the 2 devices for safety ( this is easy ull know once u fiddle with the settings )
now u can send files to pc via phones bluetooth
and a new option will be added in ur pc under the context menu of a file => send to => bluetooth


Another Brick in the Wall
A BlueTooth dongle of range 10mt will cost around 800 and the same with 100mt range will cost around 1800.

You will need a bluetooth (bt) adaptor for ur PC. You have two options:

1. A card that plugs into the PCI slot of a PC and has a external antenna for communication-- cumbersome to use.

2.USB bt adaptors:these tiny devices plug into ur USB port and work as a interface for bt comm with lappy or cellphone.

The advantage of using a USB adaptor is that u can remove it when not needed and plug it into another PC or lappy without any hassle.

These adaptors are rated on the range they cover:a 10 m adaptor will cost rs 1000, where as a adaptor with 100m range will cost u rs1800.

U will need some nokia phone managers like o2 or nokia PC suite.
The windows sp2 has a feature for bluetooth transfer and after u install the drivers, u are ready to go. Whenever u send a file, ur PC will ask if u wanna save the file. So, it's simple.
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