printer issues

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Ambassador of Buzz
guys i want to share a printer with two comp.( not in network)

let me be more clear.....:)
i have two systems which r not in network. i have only one printer and i want to use it from both the systems...........i know it is possible......BUT HOW???


There are switches available for the purpose. You can connect both the comp and the printer to that small switch unit. Then just slide the switch depending on which comp wants to use the printer. We have done this in our office earlier. Its pretty simple and cheap.


I am not a hardware expert. So have limited knowledge. Please visit the hardware market. If in Mumbai, Lamington Road is the place to go :D


In the zone
Yes, Printer Sharing switches are available. Enquire into any of your hardware dealer. Don't go for cheap chinese brands as they cannot withstand the hassles of frequent switchovers. I am not sure but if available, purchase a D-Link one.
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