Premium Webhosting Now for 5 Rupees

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Plan Features : Cheap Hosting
Disk space : 1 GB
Data Transfer : 5 GB

Domains allowed : 1
Price: 1 $ Through paypal

Plan Details : Cheap Hosting
24x7x365 Support : no
Free / Instant Setup : yes
99.9% Uptime Guarantee : yes

Domain / FTP information : Cheap Hosting

Parked/Addon Domains : 1
Subdomains : 2
FTP accounts : 2

Plan Features : Cheap Hosting
MySQL Databases : 2
PHP4 & PHP : yes
CGI : yes
Cronjobs : yes

E-mail Features : Cheap Hosting
POP3/IMAP Accounts : 5
Webmail : yes
Autoresponders : yes
Mail Forwarding : yes

Control Panel Features Cheap Hosting
cPanel 11 : yes
Fantastico : yes
Hotlink Protection : yes
Custom Error Pages : yes
Redirect URL : yes
Web Based File Manager : yes
Passworded Directories : yes
phpMyAdmin : yes

Website / FTP Statistics Cheap Hosting
AWStats : yes
Webalizer : yes
Analog :yes
Raw Log Manager : yes
Referrer Logs : yes
Error Logs : yes

Multimedia Features Cheap Hosting
Streaming Video : yes
Streaming Audio : yes
Real Audio & Video Support : yes
Flash Support : yes
Macromedia Shockwave : yes
MIDI File Support: yes
Add Own MIME Types :yes

For Ordering :

Price: 1 $ for 1 Year...Cheapest
payment Method: Paypal

Choto Cheeta


Can we please have your VAT ID / your primary domain name / any 3rd party stats for your uptime under the server in which you would host the web sites

thank you,

Choto Cheeta

You mean you cant even afford your own domain name :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: and that leads to some forum without any member or topic...


How can we trust you with our Web Data and security when you cant even afford basic business stuff like a simple domain :lol:


not bad. i mean good.. you also have lots of restrictions. but good enough for a simple blog.
hosting business is after all tough.
any customers site for proof ?

You mean you cant even afford your own domain name :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: and that leads to some forum without any member or topic...


How can we trust you with our Web Data and security when you cant even afford basic business stuff like a simple domain :lol:
Hey choto, I just noticed. his forum is a vBulletin Forum. This MUST mean he is scamming or he is using a pirated VB account.

Its also possible that he is using the free webhosting reseller service of some hosting provider and charging for it.
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