PoP - Third installment soon

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Broken In
Saw the preview of Prince of Persia:The Two Thrones at Techtree.

I couldnt paly the first two as my PIII 450 with RivaTNT2 refused :( . I will be soon upgrading to AMD 64 XP on MSI RS482M4 with 512 MB ram. Can I play SOT and WW in this rig? :?:
I njoyed playing PoP-3D in 2000 on my old machine. Graphics were supreb for the time and the melee combats were good. I think the game play suffered coz of which it flopped.


Aspiring Novelist
I Ran through a check for this Motherboard and it says that it has shared 128MB of VRam which IMO is enough to pull off the above games at fair resolutions.Also next time do post this type of query in the Sticky thread for Will this Game run on this confiuguration?
Link: *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19466&start=240


Broken In
128 MB is the maximum I can share for video memory. That leaves me with 384 MB for ram. I think i will use 64MB for video. Will 64 MB good for today's games?


Aspiring Novelist
Regardless of how much you increase or decrease the Onboard memory it will just yield more or less the same performance.Coming to the 64MB point well quite frankly this chipset will barely handle the newer lot of games at the low resolutions.If you want to be safe better invest in a Graphic card rather thatn sticking onto the Onboard solution as they have a very limited life :wink:


Aspiring Novelist
RamboMaster said:
Do you mean to say that onboard graphics chip is going to get damaged soon? You are scaing me buddy :roll:
LOL! You mistook my post dude.What i meant was that the Onboard Video Memory wont be able to handle the newer bunch of games as good as compared to a Dedicated video card.If you are satisfied playing on a low resolution settings then it might be sufficient but some recent games like F.E.A.R will crush your onboard Video Memory.So basic point in order to play these games at decent resolution and to be a bit future proof buy a good Graphic card.:D
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