If you have been down at your local electronics outlet lately you have probably seen those Ultra High Definition TV’s that no one appears to be buying. These (4k) 2160p models have resolutions of 3840 pixels x 2160 pixels tall and some of the 8k (4320p) models have resolutions of 7680 pixels wide x 4320 pixels tall.
So why is no one buying them?
Two good reasons :
1. Other than a very select few, most of the population do not have access to Movies or TV shows that take advantage of all those pixels. We only have access to at best blu ray format which is (1080p) 1920 pixels wide x 1,080 pixels tall. So as one realistic store assistant explained to me the best use for this TV is splitting the screen into 4 x 1080p sections and watching 4 movies at once!
2. The other reason is price. With some of the larger models selling for upward of $30,000 you would be forgiven for waiting a little while until prices came down. Even the smaller models can be around $5k.
That is all about to change. At CES 2014 (Consumer Electronics Show) Polaroid will show off it’s announced sub $1k UltraHD (2160p). Yes Polaroid is still around. Rather than making cheap looking sunglasses they are now heavily into consumer electronics. Polaroid are into things that use LCD screens for a good reason. They understand polarizing which is part of the magic that happens inside modern LCD TV’s.
While an expensive 4K TV might be a bit of overkill at the moment. At less than $1000 you have got yourself what could potentially be the ultimate computer monitor.
Source : Polaroid Announces 4k Ultra HD TV For Under $1000 | Tech Rampage