Playing game while running BitTorrent Application


Broken In
Hi Guys,

My laptops is fine with playing games, but if I run the BitTorrent(P2P) applications for downloading videos in the background at the same time, the internet speed becomes very slow. Any solution for this problem.
Any application i can use to balance both of them


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
use bandwidth limiting option in bittorrent's settings.


BitTorrent is a huge bandwidth hog. Unless you manually reduce the bandwidth used by your BitTorrent client, it will use your complete bandwidth.

Even then, there is no guarantee that you would get good pings while playing online. Its better if you stop your downloads while you are playing online and resume it after you are done.


Cyborg Agent
Closing torrent and limiting bandwidths are tedious workarounds !

Try using : NetBalancer - internet traffic control tool for Windows

This application is supposed to automatically manage bandwidth between applications depending on rules / priorities...
Having said that in my case it didn't work so great with a a 512 kbps connection... It did reduce the speed of the torrent when the browser was used, but there was some delay and it didn't work perfectly.. Your mileage may vary.

Or you can have a go at similar applications : NetBalancer Alternatives and Similar Software -


Cyborg Agent
once is ok, but yaar, one will have to keep changing the bandwidth, as and when required.. the apps I listed (are supposed to) do this automatically.
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