Cyborg Agent
I'v used rmvalla & other tools from grisoft & avast antivirus but none of them could remove the virus win32 valla 2048entirely. It keeps coming back with reboot. Files like marco!.scr, natal.scr, iexplore.exe, iexploreupdate[1].exe, p[1].exe, alevir.exe,etc. are created on c:\ with every reboot and references to alevir, speedy.bat, marco!.scr are added to win.ini and startup. The antivirus programs also detects i-worm/opus.cb which is healed by avg but that too keeps coming back. The AV programs and definitions are uptodate... I use avg in win98 and avast in xp. But valla 2048 troubles the most in win98. My system restore option is turned off