Wow, at least someone here thinks about peace
IMO, we don't want peace, or if given we may not want it to sustain.
Why I'm saying this is because to me the meaning of peace is doing nothing.
Its like an ideal scenario or utopian scenario, where everyone is happy. Everyone will be happy only when all of their demand will be met. But again, that is not possible, I would want a better car than my neighbor, (this desire comes from jealousy) if its met my neighbor would buy a new car which again I would like to top. If I can't afford, I'll be feeling uneasy, incomplete or if generalized too much I won't be having peace of mind.
Such examples can be given numerous times. But, the point I want to make is staying out of peace actually makes us creative, inventive or human. Constant desire, longing for something is our basic characteristic. We have never stayed in peace with whatever we had with us.
Peace is most of the time related with war. But, what is war, its a fight of powers to get what one wants. No civilization ever stops evolving so war is inevitable, either it will be of greed or will be of fear.
Rather telling "we want peace" we should tell stop violence that is what we actually want.
My comments are very vague and incomplete, if I get more time, I would try to express my thoughts in more organized manner.
Till then would like to hear more from my fellow Digitians