3 cards...all selling for around $0.05....A loss. Game is not worth the attention at all. It will just add a count in library. Waste.
^^and the probability of getting bundled soon.
1. Game is never going to be played, just another +1 to the count. Agreed.
2. Probably going to bundled. Agreed.
I just bought it for the badge. But wait. Here is my thesis and how I see it if we are talking numbers.
1. Each card is being sold for $0.08 cheapest atm, so let's say it fetches you $0.05 so you get $0.15 back. So 2.50 rupees for the game is not so bad.
2. For me it is an easy badge - 5 card set
3. Even if the game is bundled, cost per game would still be in this value. The lowest bundles these days are from BStars for either $1.99 or $2.49 with 10 games being the standard count off late. So unless they do a $2 bundle with 10+ games or $2.49 bundle with 13+ games, price of each game would come to $0.20 approx.
4. Blink Bundle once upon a time used to do "trading cards bundle" with all games having trading cards. Humble $1 tiers used to be of good value which is also falling down in quality these days (in terms of games with cards). Let's assume BStars bundle this - you will still be getting some bakwas game with no achievements + zero trading cards for a value of $0.20 (again just adding a useless +1 to your account). In that way, this one has 100% success rate.
5. In case, if it gets bundled, you would damn not be buying that bundle FOR this particular game anyway. Just activate in a secondary account, idle the cards and be happy that you lost only 2.50 rupees.