For everyone debating about G2A - I've known about this site for a while and I wouldn't personally recommend it. Neither have I posted any deals from this site here even when I have stumbled upon good deals in the past.
Here are my reasons:
- One of my friend bought D2 keys (yes, we still play D2
) and he received muted keys (Muted as in half-banned keys by - you can play the game but chat privileges would have been revoked due to excessive spamming from those keys). He couldn't get a refund / couldn't get Blizzard to help him out as well.
- The site is not 100% trustable and its services are shady. Period. It also has a marketplace meaning you will be buying from sellers as well. Higher chances of getting scammed.
- For a guaranteed purchase and 100% buyer protection, you need to opt for the G2A Shield which is like $1 to $2 on top of the purchase. WTF? I should pay $40 for a game and still keep nail-biting whether I'll get a working key or not? Who does that these days? If you don't opt for the protection, you will be running behind them for months to get a refund. I know instances where this has happened.
- Many Steam keys sold by G2A have been revoked by Steam. Google it.
- Finally, G2A is treated as an unauthorized CD-key reseller on reddit GameDeals sub. That's good enough for me to skip it.
Buy at your own risk. Do opt for G2A shield if you are going for it. 95% you may end up with a happy smile. But IMO, its not worth the headache of running behind someone for your money when you are one of those 5% unlucky ones.