Overclocked my X2 7750BE and here are Everest results at three speeds

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surprisingly a new tab came in with the name: Advanced Chipset features.
It had options related to setup SLI and there was one option to select DRAM configuration.
it has the memory timings and stuff.. It also had option to select the ram fsb ie 4/5.33 which in turn on right side it was showing up as 667/800/1066. if i select 667 it does post but it does not with 1066 option obviously.. If i select 667 option and select cpu bus frequency as 230 and multipier as 16 still same issue... no option at os boot.

I am not sure if i am stuck here.



Bond, Desi Bond!
You need to reduce the frequency. Make it 210 and make the multiplier as 15 or 15.5

230*16 = 3680MHz. Not even AMD will be able to keep 7750 stable at that speed :)

Keep the speed on or below 3.2GHz. Not more than that.


I changed the same.(ie) changed the ram to 667 mhz.
I then changed the timing to 210*15 and it dint work sadly.
I then tried as simple as 210*15 - This did not work as well.
I tried 205*10 and that did not work as well.
finally 205*5 also did not work. All takes to a blank screen after the Post screen.

When i set it all to auto it boots just fine. I am beginning to get worried that i cant overclock my processor.
Is there some jumper settings that needs to be done... Any other option can you think of.?



The bios update is the latest version. so well... should i wait for a bios upgrade?
shall i try a downgrade to a lower version and check the same.(i may be wrong)



Bond, Desi Bond!
hmm. Download AMD's OverDrive tool and try overclocking from that tool and see if it stays stable.


I did that already.. It said that AMD overdrive cannot find a 700 chipset and it aborted.
Did you see my pm for my config. else its there in my signature now.
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