Optical Illusions!!!

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circle one is easy is easy to guess.....already said dat...da circle in which v r viewin it strait won't move..[also den only any of da circles will move]..as our eye balls are spherical...da image [side circles]reflected on our sides of the eyeball tends to be half...in semi-half.....nd hens its a concentric circles...all da circles...can't adjust in our image in da eyeball.....ok.....u must be confused...but i can giv u a complete scientific explaination 4 dat....but will take a 3 pgs here......BTW iam a Pharmacy student....wait.....lemme refer...yes....pharmacy student...!!

1 more thing see the circle with ur eyes opened as wide as possible.....no circle is gonna move!!...i.e try to c all da circles...niothing gonna move...!!

but researchin on da 1st 1.....!!!




Cyborg Agent
There was a thread on Optical Illusions long back .. cant find it now.

OK another good one...

If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. If you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot turns to green. Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see a green dot rotating if you're lucky! It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see.

(click on the pic to go the original site)


harsh bajpai

coolest one yet. had never seen it before.
they do disappear.


In the zone
real cool too good/
but for some reason the 1st illusion didnt happen for me. dont knw y.

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
I too faced problems in the 1st illusion!

May be bcoz of I'm using Samsung SyncMaster?

But it worked a little bit when I tried to see the illusion by moving up and down as needed :D


Broken In

Taking about optical illusions?
U have no idea about the illusions in this website. Its almost unique. Visit *www.michaelbach.de/ot/ and u'll see


Broken In
I don't remember from where i got this. Still, it is worth sharing. So here goes.



more to come....[/img]


Cyborg Agent
Both arent illusions ..
1st one has world map on the cow's skin
2nd .. is a mind trick .. not an illusion

but good pics anyway



Broken In
But alib_i, what is the difference between Mind trick and illusion. I believe, the illusion tricks your mind to see something or not to see something. Thus all illusions are mind tricks but not vise versa. Any way, as i said, here are some more from my old collections:




PS: I am really sorry for not giving due credits to the creators of these pics. Unfortunately, i do not know who created it. But i am duty boud to say 'Great work' and 'Thanks' for who ever it is.


Cyborg Agent
In an illusion, your eyes plays tricks with you. What you see may not be real. A cow with a (photoshopped) world map doesnt seem to fall in the category .. anyways .. no problem .. no big deal
keep posting ...

Another good illusion I know ..
This illusion was first posted by NikhilVerma ,a very old member of this forum, in a (now deleted) thread
(I still have it's imageshack bbcode from back then, hehe)
It's the best illusion I've seen in my life




It's very simple....

Just compare the two squares A and B... they are both filled with the EXACT same colour... Even though A appears darker than B...


18 Till I Die............
This is a real tricky one. This is the only one that I've really failed to understand. Can you explain it in layman's terms how this happens. Got me completely confused.


Cyborg Agent
Remove other things from the pic and and you'll see that both are actually same ...
This edited image will make it clear ...




18 Till I Die............
thanks nikhil and alib_i for ur kind explainations. But, what I want to know is what is the exact phenomenon that causes it. If anyone can explain it in layman's terms as I'm not a science student. I love to understand how all this works.
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