Opera 10 Peregrine Alpha out

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100/100 for opera from my side. I would prefer than FF but i know ... fingers are not equal tho its same hand.

But FF users must admit that it takes 8-12 seconds to get executed and 5-9 seconds to load the page. afterwards it’s become 5-8 secs to get executed.

I know that FF is graced by extns and add ons but i just embarrassed with those pop ups saying "Additional Plug-in required"

Mouse Gstrs are one of the tool which make opera much adaptable.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Seeing so many positive comments about this browser, I want to try it out. I guess I'll wait until the stable release comes out.
Any idea when the stable version'll get released?


Wandering In Tecno Land
^^ R U kidding me
U haven't even tried Opera
I'm using it since ages
Its much much faster than Firefox & very small in size comparing its features with it
but Firefox takes the crown just cause of its page rendering & addons
Nahi to Opera bhi kam nahi ....!!!

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
^^ R U kidding me
U haven't even tried Opera
I'm using it since ages
Its much much faster than Firefox & very small in size comparing its features with it
but Firefox takes the crown just cause of its page rendering & addons
Nahi to Opera bhi kam nahi ....!!!
I was a devoted Opera user before. Then I switched to FF and I've never turned back. What I meant was, I'd like to try out this version of the browser. :)
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