Online Windows Desktop for development


Hi all,

I provide development services to my clients. But due to travel I can't carry multiple laptops (which are backed up separately).
Is it possible to get Windows systems online (paid services) where I can set up Visual Studio/Office/MySQL and do the development work ?
Also would those system allow to install Anydesk (if I need to connect to my client systems).



Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I didn't understand. What do you mean by "Online Windows Desktop"? Like some sort of remote desktop that you can connect to? If so I personally have some experience with AWS WorkSpaces: *

Though IMO it would be less hassle to just use online cloud services like Replit for an IDE/code editor or Google Docs for Office, etc.


Basically need a remote VM where I can store my code and do development. Also need to occasionally use Anydesk to connect to my client's system via Teamviewer/Anydesk.
Azure Virtual Desktop, Remote PC, Google Compute Engine, Amazon EC2 instance. Has anyone tried any of these for such a scenario.


Cyborg Agent
I don't know if Windows VPS services will work for you. I have no experience with that but you can check with providers online if it can be applicable.

Other option (requires a lot of work) is to opt for a good ISP like Airtel/Tata that offer Static IP (IPv4) for additional cost and invest in a router that supports VPN server or if existing ONT router provided by ISP offers port forwarding then directly creating a VPN Server on your development laptop and keep it always on / plugged in and connected to router.

Then when you are on the Internet anywhere in the world, using VPN client on your travel laptop, establish a VPN connection to your development work laptop and then do Windows RDP (Remote desktop) to it (Assuming Pro edition) and gain full access and control to it. Since you have full control, ideally even anydesk should work from it.
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
VNC is also an alternative, but yeah, RDP is better for remote desktop.

The AWS WorkSpaces I suggested above basically creates Windows machines in the cloud and provides RDP access. Good to work in a jiffy but I'm not sure about whether you can connect to other services over the web or perhaps that would require some tinkering.
Amazon EC2 instance
I'm not sure about EC2 Windows instances, but I have used Linux EC2 instances, installed Gnome on them and connected to them remotely via xrdp (Open Source RDP implementation).


Well, I don't want anything on my local, and yes Windows+Visual Studio+ ability to install few other software will surely help. (MySQL, UI tools, installers, etc)


Feel Pain.
If you don't need specific ide and can use VS Code


Install via Linux cli, you will be able to access all of the ide on your browser anywhere. And the performance will be better than RDP.
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