Online Windows Desktop for development


Hi all,

I provide development services to my clients. But due to travel I can't carry multiple laptops (which are backed up separately).
Is it possible to get Windows systems online (paid services) where I can set up Visual Studio/Office/MySQL and do the development work ?
Also would those system allow to install Anydesk (if I need to connect to my client systems).



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Staff member
I didn't understand. What do you mean by "Online Windows Desktop"? Like some sort of remote desktop that you can connect to? If so I personally have some experience with AWS WorkSpaces: *

Though IMO it would be less hassle to just use online cloud services like Replit for an IDE/code editor or Google Docs for Office, etc.


Basically need a remote VM where I can store my code and do development. Also need to occasionally use Anydesk to connect to my client's system via Teamviewer/Anydesk.
Azure Virtual Desktop, Remote PC, Google Compute Engine, Amazon EC2 instance. Has anyone tried any of these for such a scenario.
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