Right off the assembly line
I have an old Inventory S/W running on Foxpro2.6. It was working fine with win_me with config.sys file configured as "files=150". I upgraded to Winodows Xp SP2. It works fine on my tow desktop systems(Assembled). I recently purchased a Compaq Laptop V3225AU. It carried preinstalled vista. I tried to run the Inventory software but it gave "INSUFFICIENT MEMORY" error on running any command especially when viewing a report using report form command. Iformatted the laoptop and ionstalled Windows XP SP2, the same being used in my Desktop PCs. But again the problem remained the same. I formatted it again and installed windows ME. It was hard to install but after two trials I installed it. The same old S/W was working perfectly.
# How do I get the Drivers for ME for my laptop Compaq Pressario V3225AU. ( they are not available on compaq website)
# How do it tweque windows XP to work fine with the old inventory S/W
# How do I get the Drivers for ME for my laptop Compaq Pressario V3225AU. ( they are not available on compaq website)
# How do it tweque windows XP to work fine with the old inventory S/W