nVidia or ATi ?

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I'm planning to buy nVidia 7600 GT AGP (MoBo don't have PCI-E) this week. Which one should I buy 256 MB / 512 MB ? Will there be any difference in performance ? I'm not a regular gamer just play once in a while, though I watch a lot of HD Movies. Is there any ATi card equivalent to nVidia 7600 GT ? Please suggest me a good card. Present config of my HP Pavilion:

Intel P4 2.8GHz HT
1GB + 512MB Memory
256MB nVidia 5200 FX
400 Watt PSU

Do you think this card will give me a good performance with my current rig ? (Know, mine is from Stone Age compared to yours :D)


]-[ E l l F R 4 G G 3 R
7600gt 256mb(i dont think 512 will do much difference to ur needs)... dunno bout ati equivalent but im a die hard NVIDIA fan :)

agp cards costlier dude...n also give lesser performance....get a new pc...will save u costs in long run...


In the zone
FX 5200 SUxx.. But other models rock..
Dude nvidia has launched 9XXX series.. I would recommend to wait a little and go for the new version(They support DirectX 10)..


Wise Old Owl
3650 is only PCIE.
If u get a 7600GT for around 3~3.5k, then its good deal for an AGP.
And ur system wud be just enuf to handle a 7600GT. A dual channel wud have been better. Go for 256 GDDR3 version over 512 DDR2.

There is also ATI's X1650 XT which is almost same as 7600GT in performance, or the X1800 GTO which is slightly better than a 7600GT. An X1800GTO will be around 5k now.
And, yes a 7600GT is a good card, performance almost closer to an 8600GT.


]-[ E l l F R 4 G G 3 R
i got a 7600gt 256mb gddr3 myself (although its PCIE)...it works awesome...i even played crysis at it at decent frame rates...definetly a gud choice if ur budget is limited....

if u ever think of upgrading ur system ( rather get a new system),get a 9600gt 512...awesome value for money.. :D


No pain....No gain
Actually you can buy HD3650 or even HD3850 in AGP flavour. But seeing your system HD3650 would be enough. Brands like sapphire, powercolor and HIS (not available in india) have those cards.
Have a look *www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList...69609639+106792462&name=Radeon+HD+3000+series
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