Notion Ink 'Adam'-Easter egg reveal release Date!


In the zone
For the past one week the tech worldis buzzing about forth coming Notion Ink Adam's release date..CEO Rohan is not giving any information out right..Rohan is very mysteriously teasing and joking in his blog, releasing some bit there and some pictures there .. Oh the time is ticking away.. but the people behind the ‘Notion Ink is not moving or hurrying.. they simply laugh at the so called ‘ipad’ killers…. they have this confidence..let apple eat all its launch….but Adam will eat ‘apple’.. Oh amy body notice the easter egg or the binary counter at the top right side of the screen?
yester day it showed ’111′ to day its ’110′ several guessed it is Dec-08.. what about the Hex code below this binary counter?

Some say it is Scientist Tesla's birthdate which is implying unix time stamp in the Hex notation...At the same time Rohan is speaking about " The prestige" where a character meet Scientist 'Tesla who actually show the concept of wireless charging(wireless electrical charging or it is Radio communication?

let us wait for the ANSWER..
Yesterday the cou nter show '111'

today the counter is showing '110'
Any body guess?

with regards


The countdown was there since the new website was launched. it started from 10001 (17 days). Expecting some announcement made (probably pre-order) on 9th Dec.

And today's blog post confirms the secret feature relates to Tesla. On 9th there would be some revelations.
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