Nokia 6300 is it good?

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CG Artist
I wanna ask is Nokia 6300 good?And what are other alternatives to Nokia 6300?Whats the price of Nokia 6300?
My budget is around 10k.So tell me good mobile phones that have good camera and sound quality.
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Ambassador of Buzz
my uncle uses 6300. he hasnt faces any problems whatsoever.
my dad uses 6233(alternative). its sound is better than 6300 but bundled memory is less than 6300.
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NOKIA 6300 is one of the crappiest phones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bad Battery Backup
Cant Minimize the Music Player or FM radio.........such a sick thing !!
Slow Interface !!! U will get bugged waiting
Bad Camera with NO FLASH and NO Auto foucus !!
Sound Quality not that good compared to other phones in Same Price Range

You must be looking at SE k750i or k550i or may be nokia 5300
for good forget about 6300

i got a k550i recently......thanks to god i dint fall for i soon found about sony ericsson phones.

yes finally 1 and only 1 advantge of 6300....its got symbian OS.
1 nice feature its got 24 bit display.....which eats lot of battery charge


Aspiring Novelist
Though I agree that 6300 is not a very good phone, you can indeed "Minimize the Music Player or FM radio".

I use it and it sucks. Nothing - apart from the screen, size and looks - is good about it. The user interface is counter-intuitive, battery back-up is very poor (requires you to charge it at least twice daily even with average usage), it gets hot after a few minutes of usage, very scratch-prone, does not charge via USB and is incapable of multi-tasking (for example, you cannot minimise Opera Mini and read an incoming message).

My recommendation: don't buy. Don't buy any Nokia product.

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
6300 is not as bad as pictured by aks_win but you can get much better phones in that price range...
Like nokia 5300 or 5700...
Go for Nokia 5700 if have that budget...


hmmmm ok i guess i read it wrong somewhere that music player cant be minimized.....does'nt multitasking is indeed bad...coz mine does at the same price.

also the UI for k550i is cool with tabs....which u can switch using the right left buttons on dpad.
also there is a button to acess the task manager and switch between tasks...then the same button also has tab to shortcuts tab thru which u can start a new task. and this feature i like it.
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Google Bot
if u arent concerned much abt looks... then go 4 a 6233... abt 8.4k... better than 6300 in evy respect..


Aspiring Novelist
It does have Symbian S40. :)

aks_win said:
also the UI for k550i is cool with tabs....which u can switch using the right left buttons on dpad.
I like to give credit where it is due. The default view for the main menu in Nokia 6300 is the grid view but you can change it to a tabbed view which is exactly the same as the 'Settings' option in SE phones. In fact, it is better than SE in this particular aspect because SE phones do not allow you to change the layout of the main menu (or any other menu, for that matter).

Other drawbacks that I forgot to mention:
The camera is really, and I mean really, slow and takes crap pictures in anything less than ideal lighting conditions. Of course, that is not what I use a phone for so it doesn't particularly bother me.


in b'lore shops are willing to give nokia 6300 for 10k..tht was a week back when i had went cell shopping.....n72 is 12k....arrey yaar leave 6300 and look at other phones common.....see sony ericsson phones and may checkout l9 ...i dont know much about l9 though. if u can pay 13k then u hv n70 me.

@ ankur.....he says 5700 which is 15k-16k .
for that budget another bunch of phones willl come into picture.
n70m and w610i and 5700 and w810i also w830i and of course k790i !!!!

prices checkout


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aks_win said:
hmm really ?? all nokia phones have that na actually ??
that S40 UI ??

S40 series phones are not symbian phones. They have nokia's own OS which does not have a sdk ( you can't install third party softwares other than java apps ).

only S60 and S90 phones are symbian.


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ankushkool said:
is it possible 2 find softwares 4 S40 platform... do S60 soft work on it????
NO, you can only use java apps for S40 phones which will also work on all other phones with java. Java apps offers only limited functionalities. You cannot install symbian apps (.sis) on S40 phones.
BTW, all N series are symbian phones.
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