Nokia 6230i or Motorola E398?

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Wire muncher!
its like comparing fedora core 4 and red hat linux 7.3! e398 has excellant features..but is an old model. n6230i is better...


Ambassador of Buzz
I will Go with Motorola E398
I think E398 is much better .. I dont like 6230i
E398 is available for 8.5-9k only
SD Cards compatibility .. so the exanpansion is not a problem .. even SD cards are not expensive

Even better is ROKR
only if ... you can get ur hands on it .. :lol:


Wire muncher!
well e398 doesn't haf stock video recording. thats reason why i used the similie or fedora core4 and redhat linux 7.3. you know that both linux flavours are good. its only that rhl 7.3 has become old tho it does its job very well! 6230i is a newer generation phone.


Ambassador of Buzz
FC4 is better thats true .. but Video recording of all phones are not upto the mark. As far as music is concerned, E398 has good output from loud speakers .. whereas 6230i has a mono loudspeaker, moreover 6230i also not a newly launched phone. Moto hasnt release any phone after E398, Rokr which was actually very hyped .. & they didnt release it in India.


Wire muncher!
right...if you want value for money, a great onboard speaker sans video recording (not sure abt fm) then go in for e398. if you can afford 6230i go buy it!


Wise Old Owl
Motorola E398 .... it has got very excellent feature ...

Video recording is not a problem ... a little flash enable's it ...

6230i vs E398

Well the 6230i definitely has some appealing features ... but then .. i think investing a few more bucks will fetch u a 6630 ....

The Motorola E398 is a really good value-for money phone .... U can also think about the Sony Ericsson K700i .....

If i were to choose a phone between the 6230i and the E398 ... i'll go for the E398 or i'll go and get myself the 6630 .. but not the 6230i ...


It supports transflash card which is nothing but a mini SD card. A good phone other than its slow interface. Thats the only disadvantage.
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