NEWS: Stardock outlines Object Desktop for Vista plans

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Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP

Software developer Stardock Corp. has begun to unveil its Windows Vista plans for its popular desktop enhancement suite, Object Desktop. Object Desktop is a set of programs designed to allow users to customize their Windows experience. On Windows, it was the first product to provide OS skinning, widgets and gadgets, alpha blended shadows, min/max effects, ZIP files as folders, and a number of other features that users take for granted today.

Stardock believes that Windows Vista offers the most potential yet for users to be able to personalize their Windows experience. This is due to a new feature in Windows Vista known as the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) which is a compositor that turns the Windows Vista desktop into a 3D surface (much like you'd have in computer game). This allows for what Stardock claims is "cool and interesting ways to display information, programs, and data without suffering the performance hit because most of it is being done on the video card."

This week, Stardock intends to release the beta of WindowBlinds for Windows Vista for Object Desktop users and has announced support for creating gadgets for the Windows Sidebar using DesktopX. It has released a document outlining some of its "first wave" of Windows Vista applications for Object Desktop. This also includes the ability to use WPF and .NET for Sidebar gadgets via Object Desktop.

Microsoft's Jim Allchin has asked developers to make full use of Windows Vista in order to help differentiate Windows Vista from Windows XP. With its expected January release, a lot of users are looking for tangible benefits of Windows Vista over Windows XP. Microsoft has asserted that the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and DWM along with enhanced security, and a new communications layer help make Vista a compelling upgrade.
Object Desktop for Vista preview guide




Hanging, since 2004..
Ya it really turns ur pc to a damn slow dream machine. Looks kill :p .
but agreed , it does a awesome job in skinning.
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Vishal Gupta

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
Some more screenshots: :)


More Information


Right off the assembly line
How to implement stardock skin in .net 3.0 or in wpf controls contain Program ? plz urgent....
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BlackBerry Guru ! :)
In my PC , it leads to compatibility issues with other apps ... especially games !! But nothing can beat Stardock !!


Right off the assembly line
stardock skin apply to main window (.net 3.0) but not apply to inside controls like button, checkbox, dropdown etc.. can any one help out me ?.......urgent
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