I want to purchase a bike within 85k (on-road), I live in a town called Rawatbhata and the roads are nicely laid here.Really less traffic is observed as is signified by the presence of no traffic signals. The roads only have one hitch, at some places there are really bad stretches on the road for 2-3 kms. Everything else is butter.
What is your budget?
- 85k
Your height & body build (lean/medium/heavy).
- Medium
Looking for 100cc or 125cc or 150cc or >200cc?
- 150cc, Apache RTR 160 Hyper Edge 2012 will be good enough.
How many KMs do you travel everyday?
- 12-18 kms
How do you intend to travel most of the times- Alone or with pillion?
- Alone, but rarely mom will be there as one.
Looking for Naked/Semi faired or faired bikes?
- Does not matter, performance does.
Do you have preference to a certain brand or interested in any specific bike?
- No, but no Suzuki as there are no service centers here
What do you want most out of your bike? (Mileage/Power).
- Power, milage around 43 kmpl would be enough.
Your place of stay and where you intend to buy it.
- Rawatbhata, Rajasthan. Will buy from here only but test drives might be at Kota, Rajasthan 50 kms from my location.
What bikes have you owned in the past?
- A TVS Scooty PEP+ (Black). Nothing else.
How long do you intend to keep the bike?
- 9 yrs or more
I will take a look at the FZ series from Yamaha but it doesn't suit my dad's built so please keep that in mind while suggesting.
Secondly, I personally like bikes with less noise ex: Apache, pulsar etc. Rather than bikes like the Bullet which make a great deal of the same.
What is your budget?
- 85k
Your height & body build (lean/medium/heavy).
- Medium
Looking for 100cc or 125cc or 150cc or >200cc?
- 150cc, Apache RTR 160 Hyper Edge 2012 will be good enough.
How many KMs do you travel everyday?
- 12-18 kms
How do you intend to travel most of the times- Alone or with pillion?
- Alone, but rarely mom will be there as one.
Looking for Naked/Semi faired or faired bikes?
- Does not matter, performance does.
Do you have preference to a certain brand or interested in any specific bike?
- No, but no Suzuki as there are no service centers here
What do you want most out of your bike? (Mileage/Power).
- Power, milage around 43 kmpl would be enough.
Your place of stay and where you intend to buy it.
- Rawatbhata, Rajasthan. Will buy from here only but test drives might be at Kota, Rajasthan 50 kms from my location.
What bikes have you owned in the past?
- A TVS Scooty PEP+ (Black). Nothing else.
How long do you intend to keep the bike?
- 9 yrs or more
I will take a look at the FZ series from Yamaha but it doesn't suit my dad's built so please keep that in mind while suggesting.
Secondly, I personally like bikes with less noise ex: Apache, pulsar etc. Rather than bikes like the Bullet which make a great deal of the same.