- *www.koshyjohn.com/software/neosearch.html
- *www.softpedia.com/get/System/File-Management/neoSearch.shtml
Full Disclosure: This is one of my programs...
Release date: 01-01-2009, 00:00 IST (GMT +530) - version 1.86 (forward release)
Size: 470KB
Download count: 12,675+
Quick Feature List
- Super-fast indexing (options to include/exclude paths, schedule, set priority; progress display window)
- Six rapidly changing dynamic results that change as you type
- Full list of results (re-sortable by name, size, date, path)
- Super-Navigation - allows you to rapidly access any file or folder on your system using wildcards and path auto-completion.
- Unicode support - foreign language search!
- It's fast! Ridiculously fast! And it's amazingly light on memory and processor usage (proc spikes only if indexing at maximum speed).
- It looks really really good. Vista-esque. Check out the screenshots.
- It does not require administrative privileges! Use it ANYWHERE!
Sample Performance Trace
Indexing: 6.5 secs (7384 files)
Searching: 0.01 to 0.40 secs usually
*i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/dl/button/anim_button.gif *www.softpedia.com/images/softpedia_download_small.gif *www.snapfiles.com/images/dnldbut.gif *www.soft82.com/images/download_buttons/download_button_1.gif and many many more...
- *www.koshyjohn.com/software/neosearch.html
- *www.softpedia.com/get/System/File-Management/neoSearch.shtml
Full Disclosure: This is one of my programs...
[neoSearch - Screenshots - Testimonials - Feedback] Ξ [Koshy John]
[neoSearch - Screenshots - Testimonials - Feedback] Ξ [Koshy John]
Release date: 01-01-2009, 00:00 IST (GMT +530) - version 1.86 (forward release)
Size: 470KB
Download count: 12,675+
Quick Feature List
- Super-fast indexing (options to include/exclude paths, schedule, set priority; progress display window)
- Six rapidly changing dynamic results that change as you type
- Full list of results (re-sortable by name, size, date, path)
- Super-Navigation - allows you to rapidly access any file or folder on your system using wildcards and path auto-completion.
- Unicode support - foreign language search!
- It's fast! Ridiculously fast! And it's amazingly light on memory and processor usage (proc spikes only if indexing at maximum speed).
- It looks really really good. Vista-esque. Check out the screenshots.
- It does not require administrative privileges! Use it ANYWHERE!
Sample Performance Trace
Indexing: 6.5 secs (7384 files)
Searching: 0.01 to 0.40 secs usually
Websites Hosting neoSearch*i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/dl/button/anim_button.gif *www.softpedia.com/images/softpedia_download_small.gif *www.snapfiles.com/images/dnldbut.gif *www.soft82.com/images/download_buttons/download_button_1.gif and many many more...