need help in j2me project

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i appear;i evanesce
hi all,
i'm very new to java programming ( or u can say i kno nothing).
i hav a mobile calendar project which is running fine on mobile and i want 2 run it on pc. i'm trying 2 open it in java wireless toolkit 2.5.2
it loads properly using .jad file, but when i build it gives error :

build failed
no sources to compile

plz can any1 tell me whats the prob, am i using wrong tool 2 open it??
plz help me out.


Right off the assembly line
Try moving .jar along with .jad file into one directory, then check that
property "MIDlet-Jar-URL" inside the .jad file (open it with arbitrary text editor, like notepad) is pointing to the .jar file (just name of the file, like "file.jar") and eventually just double click the .jad file (providing that the WTK was installed properly).
Good Luck.


If you have jar/jad files, don't open it in WTK, but use menu called Run MIDP Application.

If you have source and res, create a project and specify name of Midlet class you used. Then copy src and res directories from your folder to projects' folder. Now try to run it.
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