gx_saurav said:
Did u tried looking at Dell 1720? Dell 1520 is hell of a deal for 15" laptop.
I just customised a Dell 1720 for you selecting the highest end parts available & comparing to MacBook Pro. It costs 93K with tax & shiping to lucknow. You can see yourself how cheap Dell is compared to Macbook Pro making it a better deal, unless you want to go specifically with Apple. here are the details for highest end config available with Dell 1720. Call them as this 93K price doesn't include the discounts that dell gives. Macbook Pro is an extortion of Apple.
Apple always charges a lot more then what they should. Rest is upto you to decide, even with original Office 2007, Dell will cost less then Macbook pro.
Has a poorer processor, crap operating system, no light sensor or motion sensor, no keyboard backlight, does not feature the world's best trackpad, poorer screen with much lower resolution, smaller hard drive, consumes more power, does not come in a rugged and polished anodised aluminum body and is thicker and heavier.
Plus, if someone trips on the power cord once or twice, there go your 93K down the drain. And you don't get world class tech support either.
In comparison to the MacBook Pro, it has a higher resolution camera and an internal modem.
Dunno about you but the MacBook Pro seems a lot more value for money to me.
To the original poster, I don't know why you are stuck on the Indian website when I've made it quite clear to you that it is outdated and you'll get the latest model even in India.
aks_win said:
laptops are not intended to run continuously as the desktop...i dont know if u can keep it on for lots and lots of time like your desktop !!!p
You can, if you happen to own a MacBook or MacBook Pro. I do. The current uptime is 162 days and a few hours.
I'll have to restart it today though because I have three updates waiting.