Need ADSL Router [BSNL connection][Pref DD WRT]


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@Rajesh345 & pratyush997
With help of your information, I am able to configure my Asus Router for downloading, Able to manage torrents.

And registered with No-IP, unable to access remotely,
Configure Router successfully DDNS result as under;
Wed Jan 30 10:11:34 2013: INADYN: Started 'INADYN Advanced version 1.96-ADV' - dynamic DNS updater.
Wed Jan 30 10:11:34 2013: I:INADYN: IP address for alias '****' needs update to ''
Wed Jan 30 10:11:45 2013: I:INADYN: Alias '****' to IP '' updated successfully.

Anything configured in Modem ?
Please help
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Simply.. Evolution !!
Can you please help me how to mount my 15 GB partition in opt ?
This new firmware is bit different .Now it is on mnt i suppose ..
I mean sda2 to opt ..


Can you please help me how to mount my 15 GB partition in opt ?
This new firmware is bit different .Now it is on mnt i suppose ..
I mean sda2 to opt ..
I am using version
(SVN revision 21676) which have no issue

for you to mount it you need to type

F5D7...... <--- shown in your USB page or i recommend firmware version (SVN revision 21676)


Simply.. Evolution !!
OK Thank You .. I am trying the SVN 21676 ..
Will let you know ASAP :-D

By the way can you please link me to a proper good guide for setting up the whole thing after installing DD WRT ?

No result .. again getting the same error " Could not connect to the server. You may need to reload the page to reconnect "
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